
Monday, 21 October 2013

Batman - Arkham City

Batman - Arkham City
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

New Game Plus mode:
Successfully complete the game under the Normal or Hard difficulty
setting. This mode allows you to keep your previously earned gadgets
and experience points. Also, there will not be any counter icons on
thugs, thugs will be more difficult from the start, thugs will have
different configurations, and Bosses will be tougher.

Hidden messages:
Find the coordinates X700.00, Y490.00 on the Cryptographic Sequencer to
intercept a radio frequency that contains the following repeating numbers:
9, 23, 9, 12, 12, 18, 5, 20, 21, 18, 14, 2, 1, 20, 13, 1, 14.
The message is decoded as "I WILL RETURN BATMAN".

Find the coordinates X500.00, Y900.00 on the Cryptographic Sequencer to
intercept a radio frequency that contains the following repeating numbers:
5, 15, 9, 7, 21, 18, 18, 14, 3, 5, 24, 15, 12, 7, 22, 3, 10, 5, 15, 9, 22, 3,
8, 25, 26, 15, 16, 25, 10, 15, 17, 25. The message is decoded as

The last radio transmission contains the numbers: 3, 20, 26, 18, 26, 16, 24,
1, 11, 4, 24, 9, 3, 8, 5, 2, 12, 18, 6, 16, 7, 11, 3, 10, 17, 5, 13, 4, 21, 8.
The message is decoded as "FEAR WILL TEAR GOTHAM CITY TO SHREDS".

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

50x Combo (5 points)      : Complete a combo of 50 moves.
Acid Bath (10 points)     : Save the damsel, but is she in distress?.
AR Knight (25 points)     : Complete all augmented reality training exercises.
Catch (5 points)          : Find someone to play remote Batarang catch with.
Chimney Sweep (10 points) : There is only one way in.
Conundrum (20 points)     : Rescue the first hostage from Riddler.
Distress Flare (5 points) : Answer the call for help.
Freefall (25 points)      : Don't look down.
Fully Loaded (10 points)  : Collect all of Batman's gadgets and upgrades.
Gadget Attack (5 points)  : Use 5 different Quickfire gadgets in one fight.
Genius (50 points)        : Rescue all the hostages from Riddler.
Ghost Train (25 points)   : Fight for survival.
Gladiator (10 points)     : Last man standing.
Hide And Seek (25 points) : A deadly game of hide and seek.
I'm Batman (10 points)    : Become the Bat.
Intellectual (30 points)  : Rescue the fourth hostage from Riddler.
IQ Test (10 points)       : Solve the first riddle.
Mastermind (20 points)    : Rescue the second hostage from Riddler.
Ring Ring (5 points)      : Answer a ringing phone.
Sand Storm (25 points)    : We are legion.
Savior (10 points)        : Save the medical volunteers.
Serial Killer (25 points) : Track down the serial killer.
Wrecking Ball (25 points) : Stop the unstoppable.

Lost reference:
Play the mission where you have to get the cure back from Joker. There is
a part where a video plays featuring the Joker ranting about the ending to
the show Lost.

Harley Quinn pregnancy:
Go to the manager's office inside the Steel Mill. On the floor, next to
the Harley Quinn costume, there is a positive pregnancy test.

Batman: Arkham City builds upon the intense, atmospheric foundation of
Batman: Arkham Asylum, sending players soaring into Arkham City, the new
maximum security home for all of Gotham City's thugs, gangsters and
insane criminal masterminds.

Set inside the heavily fortified walls of a sprawling district in the
heart of Gotham City, this highly anticipated sequel introduces a
brand-new story that draws together a new all-star cast of classic
characters and murderous villains from the Batman universe, as well as a
vast range of new and enhanced gameplay features to deliver the ultimate
experience as the Dark Knight.

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