
Monday, 21 October 2013

Alien Shooter 2 - Reloaded

Alien Shooter 2 - Reloaded

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM

Enter the following cheats for the desired effect:

Code        Effect
remgamma  - Remove gamma on the level.
stwnn     - Complete level successfully.
cheath    - Gives 1000 hp.
st1       - Gives 15000 hp.
st2       - Invincibility.
stammo    - Gives some ammo.
cheatexp  - Adds enough ex for getting new level.
stexp     - Adds enough ex for getting new level.
cheats    - + 50 to the speed skill.
cheatw    - + 100 skills of weapons reloading.
stkk      - To kill all monsters withing radius of 1000 pixels
             from the character.
stk9      - To kill all monsters on the map.
stgod     - Makes all skills (except perk) 100 or 200 sequential,
            adds 50000 money.
stm       - + 10 000 money.
cheatm    - + 10 000 money.
stshop    - Download shop on the level.
stmus[x]  - Turn the x number of tracks.
stmusstop - Stop current track.
stat      - Turn on\off current statistics.

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